Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

David R. Merkel and Sarah J. Eberly

Husband David R. Merkel 1

           Born: 1835 2

         Father: Levi Merkel (1803-1876) 3
         Mother: Susanna Martin (1810-      ) 4

       Marriage: 1857 2

Wife Sarah J. Eberly 1


         Father: Samuel Eberly (      -      ) 2

1 F Romaine Merkel 2

         Spouse: M. W. Jacobs, Esq. (      -      ) 2

General Notes: Husband - David R. Merkel

A professor of music, he was also engaged in farming on the old homestead farm in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.

He was born on the farm on which he long resided, which was purchased and occupied by his grandfather, Jacob Merkel, in 1804, and was in the family thereafter. Jacob Merkel built a house on the opposite side of the road to that on which D. R. Merkel's residence stood, and in 1812 built a stone barn, which was still in use and in perfect condition seventy-five years later. With the exception of the time spent in school, D. R. Merkel lived on this farm until 1866, at which time he removed to the borough of York, Pennsylvania, where he was professor of music in the Cottage Hill Female College for five years. His health failing he returned to the farm, remaining three years. He then went to Elmira, New York, and engaged in music-teaching for the succeeding six years, after which he returned to the farm, which he came to own, and which he made a model place.



1 Editor, History of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warners, Beers & Co., 1886), Pg 425, 457.

2 Editor, History of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warners, Beers & Co., 1886), Pg 457.

3 Editor, History of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warners, Beers & Co., 1886), Pg 424, 428.

4 Editor, History of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warners, Beers & Co., 1886), Pg 425.

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