Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Thomas Isaac Baker and Adelaide A. Allan

Husband Thomas Isaac Baker 1 2

           Born: 6 Jul 1837 - Lottsville, Freehold Twp, Warren Co, PA 2 3
           Died: 26 Aug 1901 - Lottsville, Freehold Twp, Warren Co, PA 2

         Father: Isaac Baker (1809-1870) 2 3 4
         Mother: Susan Bates (1816-Aft 1887) 2 3


Wife Adelaide A. Allan 2

           Born: 1845 2
           Died: 1909 2

         Father: Sheldon Allan (1819-1848) 5
         Mother: Lucinda Wynn (1812-1864) 5

   Other Spouse: Charles Chapman (      -      ) 2

1 M Earl Allan Baker 2

           Born: 12 May 1869 - Lottsville, Freehold Twp, Warren Co, PA 2
         Spouse: Eva L. McKelvey (      -      ) 2
           Marr: 21 Jun 1894 - Freehold Twp, Warren Co, PA 2

General Notes: Husband - Thomas Isaac Baker

He was born in Lottsville, Freehold township, Warren County, Pennsylvania. He was educated in the public schools, began lumbering in early life and so continued during his entire active life. He purchased timber tracts which he converted into lumber at his own saw mill. This mill first was operated by water power, later by steam and was the first mill in that district to use steam as a motive power. He also owned a good farm, and during his latter years was associated in business with his son.

His scholastic training was received in the village schools of Lottsville, after which he began his career by entering the employ of Haggerty & Allen, lumbermen, where he remained until the outbreak of the Civil War. In September, 1861, he enlisted in the Union army as a member of the 9th Reg., New York Cavalry. The regiment to which he belonged was at once ordered to Westfield, and thence to the front, where the fighting was the fiercest. Mr. Baker participated in a great many battles and numerous skirmishes. On June 22, 1863, he was taken prisoner and sent to Winchester, Virginia, for a time, being transferred later to Belle Isle, Richmond, where he was confined one week, during which the famous battle of Gettysburg was fought. In September, 1863, he was exchanged, rejoining his regiment near Culpepper, Virginia, October 7, 1863. Three days later camp was broken, and, after crossing the Rapidan River, the battle of Morton's Ford was fought. Mr. Baker was so severely injured in this engagement that he was reported mortally wounded, but he finally recovered after a long siege in the hospital, and was mustered out of service October 7, 1864, as a corporal.
After the war closed he returned to Lottsville and purchased a half interest in a saw mill, the other half interest being owned by his wife. He continued operating the old mill, which was run by water power, until 1884, and in that year built a new one, operated by steam, and having a capacity of 15,000 feet per day. This was located at Lottsville. Later a planing and shingle mill was added, and the output was still further increased.
In 1898 he purchased the general store of George Olds, and at once commenced stocking it with a new and complete assortment of staple and fancy groceries, queensware, dry goods, notions, boots and shoes, etc.

Civil War: He enlisted as a private in Company E, Ninth Regiment New York Cavalry; was promoted corporal, January 1, 1863; taken prisoner, June 22, 1862; exchanged seriously wounded, October 11, 1864.
He was a Republican in politics and held the office of justice of the peace for many years. Both he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
He was a member of W. C. Carr Post, G. A. R., the Grangers society, and the Lottsville Lodge, No. 631, I. O. O. F.



1 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 174.

2 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 1080.

3 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 175.

4 J. S. Schenck, History of Warren County, Pennsylvania (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1887), Pg 529.

5 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 1080, 1093.

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