Frederick Embich and Lucetta Doebler
Husband Frederick Embich 1
Born: 17 Jan 1803 - Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: 29 Jan 1862 1 Buried:
Father: John Frederick Embich ( - ) 2 Mother: Margaret Shindel ( - ) 2
Marriage: 17 Jan 1824 3
Wife Lucetta Doebler 3
Born: 6 Jun 1806 3 Christened: Died: 9 Sep 1878 3 Buried:
Father: Abraham Doebler ( - ) 3 Mother:
1 F Rose Ann Embich 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph Gleim ( - ) 5 6
2 M Col. Frederick E. Embich 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 F Lucretia Embich 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Nicholas Gillman ( - ) 3
4 F Amelia Embich 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: F. H. Ebur ( - ) 3
5 F Emma Embich 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Solomon Myer ( - ) 3
6 M W. H. H. Embich 3
Born: Christened: Died: Bef 1883 Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Frederick Embich
He received the educational advantages afforded by the private schools of his day, and was desired by his friends to prepare for the ministry, but that profession was not suited to his taste. Early in life he became quite influential in political affairs, and under Governor Ritner's administration he was commissioned on April 28, 1836, a justice of the peace for the borough and township of Lebanon, an office he held one term. Mr. Embich especially took a prominent part in the military organizations of his day, and he first appears as lieutenant of the "Lebanon County Cavalry Company," commissioned by Governor Wolf, to rank from the 22d of February, 1833, and on the 3d of August, 1835, promoted to captain of the same company. Governor Ritner, for whose election Capt. Embich was an enthusiastic supporter, appointed him June 11, 1836, major of the Independent Battalion of Lebanon County, and from that period on he seems by the following to have been in continuous service in the volunteer militia of the State: Governor Porter commissioned him captain of the Washington Rifle Company Jan. 8, 1842; Governor Shunk, brigade major of the First Brigade, Sixth Division, composed of Dauphin, Lebanon, Berks, and Schuylkill Counties, March 28, 1845, and subsequently, by the same authority, captain of the Independent Guards, attached to the First Brigade, Fifth Division, Oct. 18, 1845. At this time one of the most conspicuous military officers in the valley of Lebanon if not in the state, it surprised many that he did not tender his services to the Governor for the war with Mexico. In the first place, the quota of troops asked from Pennsylvania was so small that it was only through favoritism and great zeal in the contest which secured acceptance, neither of which Major Embich had. He was an uncompromising Whig, opposed to the annexation of Texas, and as much so to the war, which he was wont to say was brought about to advance the interests of the Democratic party. Upon the election of Governor Johnston, that functionary commissioned him brigade inspector of the Second Brigade, Fifth Division, composed of the counties of Dauphin, Lebanon, and Berks, June 4, 1849, and renewed by Governor Bigler, July 11, 1854. By Governor Pollock he was commissioned captain of the Washington Artillery May 29, 1857, and continued in commission by Governor Packer, June 6, 1859. At the breaking out of the war for the Union, although the major's feelings and military training would have led him into the service, his health was seriously failing him, and he died on the 29th of January, 1862, aged fifty-nine years.
Maj. Embich during the latter years of his life followed the business of an auctioneer, for which his wit and geniality admirably fitted him. Highly gifted therefore for this avocation, he was a great favorite all over the county, and the fact that he was to appear as the auctioneer was in itself an advertisement and secured a large attendance.
The major was a member of Salem Lutheran Church, and served for a long time as one of its deacons. While Rev. Mr. Ruthrauff was pastor a difficulty arose, and a number of the members of the congregation proposed to depose that minister by a vote of the congregation. Major Embich was deputed to lead, and when the vote was taken the rest backed out, leaving him and his daughter Emma standing alone. The major upbraided the others for their want of courage and good faith, announced himself the friend of Mr. Ruthrauff, and continued so during his life. He was clerk to the county commissioners for three terms, nine years in all; subsequently kept the Black Bear Hotel, opposite the jail, which was then a noted resort of politicians.
He and his wife had twelve children, six of whom grew to mature age.
1 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Lebanon in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 267.
2 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Lebanon in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 251, 267.
3 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Lebanon in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 268.
4 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Lebanon in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 240, 268.
5 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Lebanon in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 240.
John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1915), Pg 246.
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