Hon. Lansing Wetmore and Caroline Ditmars
Husband Hon. Lansing Wetmore 1
Born: 28 Aug 1792 - Whitestown, Oneida Co, NY 2 Christened: Died: 15 Nov 1857 - Warren, Warren Co, PA 2 Buried:
Father: Parsons Wetmore ( - ) 3 Mother: Aurelia White ( - ) 2 4
Marriage: 1816 - Warren Co, PA 2
Wife Caroline Ditmars 2 4
Born: - Long Island, NY Christened: Died: Jun 1878 - Warren, Warren Co, PA 2 Buried:
Father: Abraham S. Ditmars ( - ) 2 4 Mother:
1 M Lansing Ditmars Wetmore 5 6 7
Born: 18 Oct 1818 - Pine Grove Twp, Warren Co, PA 6 8 Christened: Died: 30 Jan 1905 - Warren, Warren Co, PA 7 Buried:Spouse: B. Wetherby ( -1856) 9 10 Marr: Abt 1852Spouse: Maria Cynthia Shattuck ( -1912) 7 9 10 Marr: Mar 1858 9
2 M Jerome W. Wetmore 11
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M Augustus P. Wetmore 11
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
4 M Sidney A. Wetmore 11
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
5 M Albert A. Wetmore 11
Born: Christened: Died: Bef 1887 Buried:
6 F Caroline L. Wetmore 11
Born: Christened: Died: Bef 1887 Buried:
7 M Charles C. Wetmore 11 12
Born: 23 Jun 1829 - Warren, Warren Co, PA 11 Christened: Died: 23 Apr 1867 11 Buried:Spouse: Rose E. Hall ( - ) 13 Marr: 15 Dec 1857 13
8 F Sarah M. Wetmore 11
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: [Unk] Reese ( - ) 11
9 F Catharine B. Wetmore 11
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: [Unk] Hutchinson ( - ) 11
10 M Capt. George R. Wetmore 11 14
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ann Eliza Struthers ( -1880) 14
General Notes: Husband - Hon. Lansing Wetmore
In the year 1815 he emigrated from the place of his birth, where he had received a good common school education, to the head-waters of the Little Brokenstraw, in Warren County, Pennsylvania. There he married and after living for a while at Pine Grove, he removed his family in 1820 to Warren, where, and in the vicinity of which, he resided until his death. On the 25th of September, 1819, soon after the separate organization of Warren County, he was appointed its first prothonotary by Governor Findlay, which office, together with those of register and recorder of deeds, and clerk of the several courts, he held until the spring of 1821. On the 23d of January, 1824, he was again appointed by Governor Shulze to the several offices of prothonotary, recorder, register, etc., in which he continued until the year 1830. About the year 1831 he was admitted to the bar of Warren County, and he continued in the practice of law from that time until his retirement to his farm in Conewango in 1842. For a number of years between 1823 and 1830 he was interested in the publication of the Warren Gazette, in which enterprise he expended considerable time and money. In the fall of 1851 he was elected one of the associate judges of the county, and faithfully and ably discharged the duties of that office for his term of five years. The latter years of his life were devoted to agricultural pursuits, in which he always felt a deep interest, and to the advancement of which he contributed perhaps more than any one else in Warren County.
Without ostentation he was always found with the foremost in every enterprise that promised progress in the improvement of society and the develop-ment of the county, and was ever ready to bestow liberally of his time, toil, and money, to further all educational or literary projects, as well as also all enterprises looking to the material improvement of the county in the construction of roads, bridges, etc. He came to the county when its population numbered not more than three hundred. He was gratified at the advancement to which he had contributed in the county, isolated from the civilization of the east, and dependent for development on the character and spirit of its pioneers.
Perhaps the most prominent features of his character were his integrity and evenness of temper. He was in all circumstances and at all times the same calm, conscientious and unimpassioned man, performing every duty quietly and completely, disarming opposition by his gentle firmness of manner, and inspiring all his associates with admiration for the firmness of his purpose, the soundness of his judgment, and considerate regard for the rights and feelings of others. He was one of the original stockholders of the Sunbury and Erie, later the Philadelphia and Erie R. R. Co. As a citizen his influence was always found on the side of order and sobriety, morality and progress; as a public officer he performed burthensome duties with the same promptness and fidelity with which he discharged those that were more agreeable; as a politician he was intelligent, tolerant, and firm in his adhesion to the old Whig party; as a lawyer his conduct was characterized by integrity of purpose and urbanity of manner; in the limited duties which devolve on the associate judge he was patient, sound, and impartial; as a Christian (a member of the Presbyterian Church), he was earnest and consistent; and as a husband and father, as was said at the time of his death, "he left a widow and numerous family, whose characters and positions in society are enduring monuments to his virtues in his domestic relations, and his faithful attention to the interests of education in the community where he had to be one of the originators of educational facilities."
1 J. S. Schenck, History of Warren County, Pennsylvania (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1887), Pg 425, 656.
2 J. S. Schenck, History of Warren County, Pennsylvania (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1887), Pg 656.
3 J. S. Schenck, History of Warren County, Pennsylvania (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1887), Pg 610, 656.
4 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 110.
5 J. S. Schenck, History of Warren County, Pennsylvania (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1887), Pg 610, 658.
6 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 109.
7 Joseph Riesenman, Jr., History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Vol. III (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., Inc., 1943), Pg 416.
8 J. S. Schenck, History of Warren County, Pennsylvania (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1887), Pg 610.
9 J. S. Schenck, History of Warren County, Pennsylvania (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1887), Pg 613.
10 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 111.
11 J. S. Schenck, History of Warren County, Pennsylvania (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1887), Pg 658.
12 Editor, History of Erie County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner, Beers & Co., 1884), Pg 993.
13 J. S. Schenck, History of Warren County, Pennsylvania (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1887), Pg 659.
John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 1126.
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