Dr. Frederick Swingly, M.D. and Mary Denman
Husband Dr. Frederick Swingly, M.D. 1
Born: 22 Nov 1809 - Washington Co, MD 1 Christened: Died: Aft 1881 Buried:
Father: Leonard Swingly ( - ) 1 Mother: Prudence Brentlinger ( - ) 1
Marriage: 21 Jun 1836 2
Other Spouse: Barbara R. Hancock ( - ) 2 - 5 Jun 1879 2
Wife Mary Denman 2
Born: Christened: Died: Feb. 29, 1874 2 Buried: - Oakwood Cemetery
Father: Joseph Denman ( - ) 2 Mother: Mary Trobridge ( - ) 2
1 F Edith V. Swingly 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: James B. Gormley ( - ) 2
2 F Ellen M. Swingly 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M John R. Swingly 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
4 M Frederick Swingly 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
5 F Mary D. Swingly 2
AKA: Mary D. Swingley 3 Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: William Nevins Beer (1839-1874) 4 Marr: 7 Nov 1869 3
6 F Kate N. Swingly 5
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Matthew Henry Fulton (1840- ) 5 6 Marr: 30 Nov 1871 6
General Notes: Husband - Dr. Frederick Swingly, M.D.
FREDERICK SWINGLY, M. D., retired, Bucyrus, whose portrait has been chosen to illustrate the history of the medical profession of Crawford Co., was born in Washington Co., Md., in Nov. 22, 1809. He is the son of Leonard and Prudence (Brentlinger) Swingly, both of whom were descendants of early settlers of the "Pine Tree State." Up to his 18th year the Doctor had the advantages of the Hagerstown schools, of Maryland. His first occupation after leaving school was that of salesman in a dry goods store. He had been engaged in that work for about eighteen months, when his parents removed to the country, whither he went with them. The next two years of his life were spent at work upon his father's farm. Determining, however, to study medicine, he secured a place in the office of Dr. Russel, of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, under whose instruction he remained for about eighteen months, and then took his first course of lectures at the Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia. He then attended the Ohio Medical College, of Cincinnati, where he graduated in 1840. He began his first practice in Chesterville, Ohio, where he remained seven years, and then spent one year in practice in Mt. Gilead, Ohio. In December of 1843, he came to Bucyrus and at once engaged in the practice of his profession. In his collegiate course and from the begining of his practice until locating in Bucyrus, the Doctor had devoted much time and hard study to surgery. His success as a physician and surgeon in former fields of practice becoming known to the people of Bucyrus and vicinity, he was, shortly after his arrival, in the midst of a large and lucrative practice. The Doctor was the first physician of any standing to locate in Bucyrus, and to him is given the palm of pioneership of all the medical fraternity of Crawford Co. In those early days his reputation as a skilled surgeon spread over an area of many miles around Bucyrus. Success to the physician, in those days, brought long, hard rides in cold and stormy weather, over almost impassable roads and across unbridged streams, the fording of which, at some seasons, was dangerous to both horse and rider. The Doctor spent many years in this trying practice, but later in life he has allowed most of his business to drift into the hands of younger and hardier men, until now he has retired from the practice. On June 21, 1836, he was married to Miss Mary, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Trobridge) Denman, of Knox Co., Ohio. Of this marriage, there were six children reared to honorable man and womanhood. They are now situated as follows: Edith V., wife of James B. Gormley, banker of Bucyrus; Ellen M., late Principal of the Bucyrus schools; John R., Fruit Culturist and Purser of the Valley City Steamer; Frederick, ex-Auditor of Crawford Co.; Mary D., teacher in the public schools of Bucyrus and widow of William Beer, late member of the Crawford Co. bar, and Kate N., wife of H. M. Fulton. Mrs. Swingly, upon whom devolved much of the early training and educating of her children, and whose noble qualities of heart and mind have never been forgotten by them, now lies in Oakwood Cemetery. Her death occurred on Feb. 29, 1874, and was mourned deeply, not only by her own devoted family, but by very many tried and true friends of her earlier life. For some years after the death of his wife, the Doctor made his home with his widowed daughter, Mrs. Beer. On June 5, 1879, however, he again married\emdash this time to Mrs. Barbara R., widow of the late Isaac Vanvorhis, and daughter of George Hancock, who was one of the early settlers of Crawford Co. Their home is in the Southern suburbs of Bucyrus, where the closing years of the Doctor's life are being spent in peace, plenty and contentment.
1 —, History of Crawford County and Ohio (Chicago, IL: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 1881), Pg 808.
2 —, History of Crawford County and Ohio (Chicago, IL: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 1881), Pg 809.
3 —, History of Crawford County and Ohio (Chicago, IL: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 1881), Pg 710.
4 —, History of Crawford County and Ohio (Chicago, IL: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 1881), Pg 710, 809.
5 Hugh R. Fulton, Genealogy of the Fulton Family (Lancaster, PA: Privately published?, 1900), Pg 36.
—, History of Crawford County and Ohio (Chicago, IL: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 1881), Pg 738.
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