Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

William Dempsey McGinnis and Elizabeth Demuth

Husband William Dempsey McGinnis 1

           Born: 8 Apr 1869 - Franklin Twp, Fayette Co, PA 1

         Father: Joseph Wadsworth McGinnis (1834-1921) 1 2
         Mother: Eliza Jane Cooley (      -      ) 1

       Marriage: 22 Aug 1901 3

Wife Elizabeth Demuth 3

           Born: 4 Feb 1874 - Connellsville, Fayette Co, PA 3

         Father: Peter R. Demuth (      -      ) 3
         Mother: Anna Beidler (      -      ) 3

1 M William Dempsey McGinnis 3

           Born: 3 Sep 1910 - Connellsville, Fayette Co, PA 3

General Notes: Husband - William Dempsey McGinnis

He was born in Franklin Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, where the first ten years of his life were spent, the family then removing to Lower Tyrone Township. He attended the public schools in both townships, after which he entered the State Normal School at California, where he finished his studies in 1888. He spent the next ten years in teaching, and was principal of the public schools at Masontown, Everson, and Connellsville, West Side. On May 17, 1898, he became business manager of the Connellsville "Daily News," and in 1901, editor as well as manager, continuing until April 1, 1907, when he retired from newspaper life. He then was actively and successfully engaged in the coal and coke business. Mr. McGinnis was president of the Crawford Motor Company, Central Motor Company, and the Connellsville News Publishing Company; treasurer of the Connellsville Coke Company, Connellsville Coal and Coke Company, Clark Coal Company, and vice-president of the Yough Trust Company; treasurer of the Republic Coal and Coke Company, Old Connellsville Coke Company, Federal Fuel Company and the Fayette Warehousing Company; director and vice-president of the First National Bank, Fayette Baking Company, Connellsville Laundry Company, and many other industries. Mr. McGinnis was a director of the Connellsville Masonic Association. In politics he was a Democrat, and served the city as city clerk and school director. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, his wife being a member of the same congregation. Mr. McGinnis was a prominent member of the Masonic Order, belonging to all bodies of the Scottish and York Rites, and holding the thirty-second degree. He also belonged to the Pittsburgh Shrine, Greensburg Council, and Pittsburgh Court No. 2, of Jesters.

His home was at No. 109 East Washington Avenue, and he also owned a beautiful four hundred acre farm three miles east of Connellsville on the Normalville Pike.



1 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (SW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 152.

2 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 399.

3 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (SW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 153.

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