James Franklin Marshall and Clare Belle DeLancey
Husband James Franklin Marshall 1 2
Born: 30 May 1865 - Indiana Co, PA Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Robert Marshall (1831-1885) 3 4 5 Mother: Evaline Rowland (1840-1899) 1 2
Marriage: 2 Jul 1885 6
Wife Clare Belle DeLancey 6
Born: - South Mahoning Twp, Indiana Co, PA Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Jacob Oliver DeLancey ( - ) 6 Mother:
1 M Robert DeLancey Marshall 6
Born: 25 Jun 1893 6 Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M Jesse Dale Marshall 6
Born: 27 May 1904 6 Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - James Franklin Marshall
He grew up in his native township and attended the schools of his district, the normal at Plumville and Glade Run academy. Having fitted himself for school teaching, he became a public educator, and for five terms taught during the fall and winter months in South Mahoning township, Georgeville, East Mahoning township and White Oak Flats. During the summer months he worked with his father on the farm until 1887, when he bought the A. David Pringle place of 106 acres, which he improved and operated, carrying on general farming and dairying in a small way. Later he bought the Harrison Shields farm, on which he erected a residence, large barn and other buildings. The barn was destroyed by fire Dec. 23, 1906, as were seventeen head of cattle, one horse and some machinery, the total loss amounting to over $3,000. Mr. Marshall replaced this barn in 1910. In 1904 he branched out as a dairyman on a large scale, keeping a herd of thirty-six head, mostly Holsteins. Mr. Marshall still later bought the J. O. DeLancey farm, on which was a fine brick residence and an excellent frame house, as well as a fine barn. To these improvements he added a silo. He came to own and operate 268 acres of land, and marketed his milk at Plumville and Sagamore. His land ran to the Armstrong county line, and was very desirably located.
He was a Republican, and served as school director for one term. He was an enthusiastic member of the Presbyterian Church, an elder, and not only a Sunday school teacher, but served as superintendent of the Sunday school. In 1911 he, like his son, was graduated and received a diploma from the State Sunday School Association.
General Notes: Wife - Clare Belle DeLancey
She was an active member of the Presbyterian Church and the missionary society of that body, as well as the W. C. T. U.
1 O. S. Marshall, The Marshall Family (Kittanning, PA: Steam Press of Reichert Bros., 1884), Pg 168.
2 J. T. Stewart, Indiana County, Pennsylvania - Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1913), Pg 1261.
3 Editor, History of Indiana County, Pennsylvania (Newark, OH: J. A. Caldwell, 1880), Pg 472.
4 J. T. Stewart, Indiana County, Pennsylvania - Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1913), Pg 1260, 1554.
5 O. S. Marshall, The Marshall Family (Kittanning, PA: Steam Press of Reichert Bros., 1884), Pg 166.
J. T. Stewart, Indiana County, Pennsylvania - Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1913), Pg 1262.
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