Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

William Scholl and Lydia Deisher

Husband William Scholl 1

           Born: 26 May 1816 1
           Died: 26 Apr 1885 2
 Cause of Death: Heart failure
         Buried:  - Fleetwood, Berks Co, PA

         Father: Carl Jacob Scholl (1774-1851) 3
         Mother: Anna Maria Adolph (1777-1837) 3

       Marriage: 15 May 1842 - Reading, Berks Co, PA 2

Wife Lydia Deisher 1

           Born: 3 Dec 1822 - near Kutztown, Berks Co, PA 2
           Died: 1 Dec 1869 2
 Cause of Death: Typhoid pneumonia

         Father: John Deisher (      -      ) 2
         Mother: Catherine Heimbach (      -      ) 2


General Notes: Husband - William Scholl

At the desire of his father, he was to be educated for a commercial career. He was sent to an English school at Pricetown, Pennsylvania, about three and a half miles south of Coxtown kept by John P. Daniel, "the first English teacher in the district." The English Reader used there, The Moral Instructor and Guide to Virtue, bears the date "February 17, 1831," which indicates the time of his attendance there. He studied later at the Lightfoot School or Friends' School in Maiden Creek township, Berks County. That his time was not all taken up with book studies is shown by the fact that he learned to play his father's violin in those days. Sometime before 1840 he learned tailoring, probably of his brother Charles at Allentown. Later he assisted his brother Reuben in merchandising at his store at Moselem Springs at the intersection of the Fleetwood and Easton roads, where they transacted a goodly volume of business. For some time before his death Reuben's store was at his father's tavern. William engaged later in merchandising on his own account in the same stone house occupied by William Dumm. In 1845 he moved into the two-story log house opposite the Scholl Tavern (where Benjamin Parks, Esq., resided), but continued business at the tavern, as successor of his brother deceased. He sold out sometime later to Samuel Kelchner and Philip Schaefer, but, perceiving his mistake, he resumed business on March 19, 1861, in the Tavern, and continued at that place until he removed to a fine new brick building at the corner of Main and Franklin streets. Here he remained until March 20, 1874, and then sold out to Samuel Rothermel, who continued the business.
Mr. Scholl became an Odd Fellow in 1842 and was, according to Griffith, a Charter Member of Brotherly Love Lodge No. 77, instituted at Kutztown in October of that year. He was the pioneer Superintendent of Coxtown Sunday School, and his name appears as a subscriber of $5.00 toward a fund for the purchase of a Library. He and his wife (recorded by her son as having been a "noted beauty") were members of Zion Lutheran Church at Moselem Springs, where three generations of Scholls had been communicants.



1 John William Scholl, Scholl—Sholl—Shull Genealogy (New York, NY: The Grafton Press, 1930), Pg 212.

2 John William Scholl, Scholl—Sholl—Shull Genealogy (New York, NY: The Grafton Press, 1930), Pg 227.

3 John William Scholl, Scholl—Sholl—Shull Genealogy (New York, NY: The Grafton Press, 1930), Pg 203, 211.

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