Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Robert C. G. White and Mary J. Dean

Husband Robert C. G. White 1 2 3

           Born: 1850 - Slippery Rock Twp, Lawrence Co, PA 2 3
           Died: 28 Jan 1924 4

         Father: James B. White (1823-      ) 2

       Marriage: 1872 4 5

   Other Spouse: Margaret Colnot (      -      ) 4 5 - 1881 5

Wife Mary J. Dean 1 4 5

           Died: Bef 1897

         Father: Zachariah Dean (      -Bef 1898) 1 6
         Mother: Sarah Dean (      -Aft 1898) 1 6

1 F Bertha White 4 5

         Spouse: Homer Lamson (      -      ) 5

General Notes: Husband - Robert C. G. White

He was educated in various public schools of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. On leaving school he went to Harlansburg, where he learned the trade of harness maker and saddler, and he followed this trade in New Castle and in Grove City for about two years. After this he entered the grocery business and for about ten years was an extensive dealer in produce, achieving success and prominence among the farmers of his county and its business men. However, he sold out, but soon after became the partner of J. J. Dean in a wholesale grocery enterprise. It was about this time that Mr. White was elected county treasurer. But after remaining one term, he refused another, and went into a furniture and undertaking enterprise, thus establishing the White Undertaking Company, which became an important one in its field in all of western Pennsylvania. For a while he operated with others under the name of Offutt, White & Company, and at the end of five years sold his interests to his partners and, using his association with the firm as a basis, founded the White Undertaking Company, which he operated and controlled until his death, when Mrs. White, widow of John Russell White, his son, took over the business and its management.
Mr. White, active in civic and fraternal organizations and in all affairs of public nature, was a member and for some years secretary of Lodge of the Craft, No. 433, Free and Accepted Masons, and he was also a Past Master of this lodge. He was a thirty-second degree Mason and belonged to Syria Temple, in Pittsburgh, of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He was a Past Grand Master of Shenango Lodge, and Past Chief Patriarch of the Encampment, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; and Past Chancellor Commander of the Knights of Pythias. He and his family attended the First Christian Church, in New Castle; he was president of the board of trustees and an elder for years.

He was reared and educated in Slippery Rock Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, and in early life learned the trade of a harness maker and saddler in Harlansburg, after which he worked at his trade several years in New Castle, and then for two years at Grove City. He disposed of his establishment in the latter place because of poor health and went into the woods, working at coaling some two years. He then became a grocer and an extensive dealer in produce, following that business some ten or twelve years with unqualified success. At the end of that time he sold out and assumed charge of the office work in the establishment of J. J. Dean, wholesale grocer. He was elected treasurer of Lawrence County, and discharged the duties of that office one term, after which he embarked in the furniture and undertaking business as a member of the firm of Offutt, White & Company. At the end of five years, he sold out his interest to his partner and engaged in the undertaking business for himself and came to have one of the largest and best paying establishments in that line in Lawrence County.
He was always deeply interested in matters pertaining to education, and served nine years or more as a member of the School Board, and was president of that body four years, and was also chairman of the Building Committee.
Mr. White was a member and secretary of Lodge of the Craft No. 433, F. & A. M., of which he was also Past Master. He was a member of the Delta Chapter No. 170, R. A. M., of Hiram Council R. & S. M., and of New Castle Lodge of Perfection, A. A. S. R. He is Past Commander of Lawrence Commandery No. 62 Knights Templar; Recorder of the Commandery; a member of Syria Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Pittsburgh; of Shenango Lodge No. 195 and Encampment No. 86, I. O. O. F., and was Past Grand, Past Chief Patriarch and Past Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias. He was also a member of the New Castle Club. He was one of the most active members of the Western Pennsylvania Undertakers' Association, serving as a member of the executive committee, and also belonged to the State Undertakers' Association. Religiously, he was a member of the First Christian church, and for a great many years was on its official board.



1 Editor, Book of Biographies, Lawrence County, PA (Buffalo, NY: Biographical Publishing Company, 1897), Pg 234.

2 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 501.

3 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (SW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 115.

4 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (SW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 116.

5 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 502.

6 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 1101.

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