Jacob L. Miller and Mary Elizabeth Davis
Husband Jacob L. Miller 1
Born: 20 Oct 1843 1 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Jacob Miller ( - ) 1 Mother: Martha Fuller ( - ) 1
Marriage: 1890 1
Other Spouse: Melissa S. Hayes ( -1888) 1 - 28 Dec 1865 - Mercer Co, PA 1
Wife Mary Elizabeth Davis 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Jacob L. Miller
He was born in Orange County, Pennsylvania. [HMC 1909, 552] Unknown where this might be. [Orangeville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania?]
Both of his parents died in early life. Left an orphan in childhood, he was brought up by Josiah Espy, a farmer in Jefferson township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Having obtained a good common school education, he assisted Mr. Espy in the care of the farm, living with him until 1862, when he started for the West in search of employment. Locating in Fayette County, Iowa, he remained there a short time, and on August 14, 1862, enlisted as a private in Company F, Thirty-eighth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Mr. Miller was afterwards a member of Company K, Thirty-fourth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in which he served as first sergeant of his company until the close of the war, being honorably discharged from the service August 14, 1865, at Houston, Texas. Subsequently returning to his native state, Mr. Miller located first in Cool Spring township, Mercer County, but afterwards removed to Sharon, where he embarked in the mercantile business, opening first a grocery, and at a later period adding to his stock a line of dry goods. Succeeding well as a general merchant, he continued thus employed until 1892, when he sold out. In the meantime, in 1890, he purchased a farm of one hundred and fifty acres in Hickory township, just northeast of Sharon, and was thereafter profitably employed as a general farmer and real estate dealer. In 1907 Mr. Miller sold his farm for park purposes to the Buhl Club, and bought the Norman Hall property, where he then resided.
Although never mixing prominently in public affairs, Mr. Miller took a deep interest in current events, and was a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party. In his religious views he was a Methodist, and fraternally he was a member of Sharon Post, No. 254, G. A. R., which he assisted in organizing.
J. G. White, A Twentieth Century History of Mercer County Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1909), Pg 552.
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